Current Job Opportunity


July 9, 2024

Closing Date

July 19, 2024

Position Number


Position Title

Senior Attorney II

Job Location

Tallahassee, Florida

Starting Salary Range


Job Description

Job Description

拉菲2平台用户登录(OSCA)正在寻找具备领导技能、法律教育和经验的合格申请人,以承担总法律顾问办公室(OGC)高级二级律师的职责。.  政府谘询小组负责处理与国家法院系统的行政管理有关的法律问题。, provides legal advice to the OSCA, the Florida Supreme Court, and SCS. 该职位通过提供法律研究,协助佛罗里达州SCS遵守所有适用的州和联邦法律法规, analysis, counsel and representation to the Supreme Court, the Office of the State Courts Administrator, state courts system, and Supreme Court committees. 该职位一般在以下主题领域内运作:宪法, court interpreter rules, employee ethics, emergency management, public records, and statutory construction. 该职位直接向总法律顾问报告,并参与总法律顾问分配的其他任务或法律问题, the State Courts Administrator or the Florida Supreme Court. 


Provide legal support to the Court Interpreter Certification Board, Court Emergency Management Team/Group, and other Court committees, as requested.

Conduct legal research and provide appropriate correspondence.

Provide counsel and advice to the Supreme Court, Office of the State Courts Administrator, 和州法院系统有关雇员和分支机构的道德事务.

Monitor and analyze civil and branch-related legislation.

Coordinate the handling of public records requests.

Education and Training Guidelines

The successful applicant must possess a Juris Doctorate degree, 是佛罗里达州律师协会信誉良好的会员,并在与该职位相关的法律专业领域拥有至少三年的经验. 具有较强的法律写作和研究能力的候选人将优先考虑, 具有佛罗里达州法院系统运作的丰富经验或知识.


Data Responsibility: Refers to information, knowledge, and conceptions obtained by observation, investigation, interpretation, visualization, and mental creation. 数据是无形的,包括数字、文字、符号、想法、概念和口头表述. 进行研究以发现新的方法或为未解决的问题找到解决方案.

人员责任:指与岗位有接触或受岗位影响的人员. Mentors others by advising, counseling, or guiding them.

资产责任:指在组织内实现经济或防止损失的责任. 需要责任和机会,通过提供法律顾问和/或处理巨额资金,实现可观的经济效益和/或防止可观的损失.

Mathematical Requirements: Deals with quantities, magnitudes, 通过使用数字和符号来区分形式及其关系和属性. Uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; may compute ratios, rates, and percents.

沟通要求:包括读、写、说的能力. Reads and interprets advanced professional and legal materials; writes extremely complex reports and papers; speaks to high level professional groups.

Complexity of Work: Addresses the analysis, initiative, ingenuity, creativity, 以及位置所需的浓度以及异常压力的存在. 执行涉及应用逻辑思维原则的工作, scientific, medical, or legal practice to diagnose or define problems, collect data and solve abstract problems with widespread unit or organization impact; requires sustained, 高浓度准确的结果和持续暴露在不寻常的压力.

决策的影响:指对财产的损害等后果, loss of data or property, exposure of the organization to legal liability, or injury or death to individuals. 做出影响极其严重的决策——影响整个组织,并可能影响其他活动/组织和公众.

Equipment Usage: Refers to inanimate objects such as substances, materials, machines, tools, equipment, work aids, or products. 事物是有形的,具有形状、形式和其他物理特征. Handles machines, tools, equipment, 或工作辅助,涉及对达到标准或选择适当项目的判断的一些自由, such as computers, peripherals, or software programs, such as word processing.

他人安全:指对他人的安全负责, 要么是工作固有的,要么是为了确保公众的安全. 要求对他人的安全和健康承担一定的责任和/或偶尔执行公共安全或健康标准.

Special Comments

The Florida State Courts System is a criminal justice agency.  成功的申请人将被采集指纹,以便进行犯罪记录核查.  这个职位的雇用取决于一个令人满意的犯罪背景调查.

In accordance with Section 110.205(2)(c), Florida Statutes, 佛罗里达州法院系统(司法部门)的职位不包括在职业服务系统中.  佛罗里达州法院系统的所有雇员都是随意雇员,根据任命当局的意愿服务,不享有所有权.

The Florida State Courts System is a criminal justice agency.  成功的申请人将被采集指纹,以便进行犯罪记录核查.  这个职位的雇用取决于一个令人满意的犯罪背景调查.

In accordance with Section 110.205(2)(c), Florida Statutes, 佛罗里达州法院系统(司法部门)的职位不包括在职业服务系统中.  佛罗里达州法院系统的所有雇员都是随意雇员,根据任命当局的意愿服务,不享有所有权.

How to Apply


欲了解更多信息,请与人力资源办公室联系, 500 South Duval Street; Tallahassee, Florida 32399 or Telephone 850-487-0778.


必须提交一份申请,列出你所申请的适当的班级名称和职位编号. Your application must be received by 11:59 p.m. on the closing date.


We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or disability.

如果你需要住宿来参与申请/选择过程, 请按每个职位的电话号码与联系人联系.


Last Modified: July 09, 2024